Update as of July 15, 2024: Mosquito fogging for the District has resumed.
BUGCO will fog for mosquitoes between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on Monday night into Tuesday morning and Thursday night into Friday morning, weather permitting and in coordination with the City’s concurrent schedule (if applicable). While this practice significantly reduces the mosquito population, it does not eliminate them.
Given the recent rains and high temperatures, conditions are highly conducive to mosquito breeding. Mosquito fogging is restricted by legal limits on the amount of chemicals that can be applied within a calendar year. If the frequency of application is increased to more than twice a week, that limit would be reached as early as September, and treatments would cease sooner than mosquito season ends. To maintain an effective mosquito control strategy throughout the year and minimize disruptions, it is essential to adhere to the current schedule and respond adaptively to environmental conditions.
For additional information and measures for mosquito control and prevention, you may visit:
Mosquito Control at Home | Mosquitoes | CDC